Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the boys

I thought I'd do an update on my boys since they seem to be growing and changing so fast!

Eli is my little comedian. He loves having books read to him. He loves telling stories and he comes up with some great ones some times. He is really into superheros. He has imaginary friends. He has hist first best friend. He was literally sad when he didn't see him for a week while his family was in Disneyland. He wrote his name for the first time a couple weeks ago, it was bittersweet. I'm loving the stages he's going through right now but it seems like he's growing up so fast!

Now my sweet Mason. All I can say is he is like a different kid now that he has tubes. He averages about 12 hours of sleep at night but still wakes up about 2 or 3 times, but we're working on that. He jabbers like crazy but can say: momma, dadda, shuz (shoe), hat, light, dogdog, Eli, juce and ba ba (for the bathtub), he LOVES the bath and scares me nightly because he has no fear in there. He lays down, sticks his face in the water, tries to blow bubbles, and tries to walk around in there. He loves being outside and will sporadically bring me his shoes that's when I know he wants to go out. So now if it were a little warmer we'd be set!

They are becoming really good friends. I love the days I can put them in the bonus room and let them play while I do my cleaning or scrapbook or whatever and they just play and have fun together. They keep me busy but I sure do love them!!

1 comment:

Michele and Wyatt said...

They are such cute boys. That's great that Mason is talking so much. I can't get Aubrey to say hardly anything. She just points and grunts.