Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The great tree hunt...

We decided to get a real tree this year. We wanted to get a bigger one, but it really did look much smaller in nature. We drug it out to the truck, then luckily there was another guy up there getting a tree so he helped Will load it. We got it home and two of Will's friends had to help bring it in. It was hard to get it to stand up in our stand but after much work, we got it!! Decorating was interesting! I ran out of lights and ornaments about halfway up the tree. I settled on some cute ornaments from the dollar tree til I can get some more on after Christmas sales.
Here it is in nature. Below is Eli helping Will find the right tree, he kept saying, "Not fis one!" He finally agreed on the tree we chose.

Here's a pic of it decorated. It looks smaller than 15 ft in this picture, but it really is that HUGE!


Kandice said...

Hehe, that is SO funny. Only at the Holfeltz's right! You are a good sport, I can't wait to see that baby!!!!

Kassi Luck said...

Love the pics!! What a great tree!!!

Holfeltz Family said...

This is truly a Christmas classic! We'll be talking about this tree for years to come