Tuesday, May 4, 2010

it's offical....

I'm a college grad!! I just want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of me while I finished. It wasn't easy but nothing worthwhile ever is. I'm excited to have something to fall back on if needs be, but hoping not to have to teach for a few more years :-)

(sorry, these are kinda horrible pics but it's hard when there's more than one camera!!)


The Wessman Family said...

Look how cute you are in your gown! Congrats Mel!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Melissa! What a huge accomplishment!

Wish upon a Starr said...

Big CONGRATS!!!!!! You look so happy, your hubby looks so proud, how very rewarding you!

Kandice said...

Congrats!!! we are so proud of you, and so sorry we missed the celebration!