Tuesday, July 7, 2009

swimming fun!!

Tess came over the other day while her parents packed to move. They both had so much fun in the pool. Eli usually doesn't like to get wet above his belly but Tess was quite the fish she was down in the water first thing.

Then she got really upset and was screaming: "Bug, Bug" Good thing Eli is not afraid of bugs he got the boxelder bug out of the pool for her. It was kinda squished in his fingers but he likes to show you what he got...

Then I showed them how to blow water out of their noodle. They thought that was so fun. We are sure going to miss Tess and her family but wish them the best in their new adventure! :)


Wish upon a Starr said...

What a brave little hero!! Getting the bug out of the pool for the lady in distress. How very sweet!!

Holfeltz Family said...

no wonder why tess always wants to play with E-YI. Thanks for watching her It was such a help!!!