Tuesday, March 8, 2011


On a whim we decided we needed a vacation. The boys were getting restless being stuck inside all day and I was getting sick of cleaning them up from all the mud when it actually was warm enough for them to go outside. We decided we needed to go somewhere warmer where they could be outside, but not too far away since we only could go for a weekend. We chose Moab and we had so much fun! The boys did pretty well traveling. The first day we went to Arches. We put the boys in backpacks and hiked all over. The loved it! The next day we walked around town with the stroller, I had to laugh because most of the town doesn't open for 2 more weeks when the tourists come. I had forgotten how small, hippie-ish, and touristy Moab is. Our hotel had a nice pool that was as warm as bath water. We loved being able to swim and be the only people in the pool! We came home the scenic route back to Grand Junction. We played in the mall until closing time and headed home when the boys were sure to sleep! They were exhausted as you can see in the pictures. Mason kept leaning back in the backpack I was worried he'd fall out but luckily he never did! :-)

The boys!

Family Vacation

The sights

1 comment:

Kandice said...

what a fun fun getaway! You need those getaways sometimes. Glad you had a good time!