Saturday, September 4, 2010

8 months

*He is soooo snuggly. We all love snuggling with him. (getting a pic with Eli smiling is a new obstacle!)

*While I was getting ready for my yardsale last weekend, Eli was putting stickers all over him. If you've ever read the book You are special by Max Lucado you'd agree he looks like a wemiwick!

*He loves to eat. Therefore, he is very chubby, which we love!!
*He is trying to crawl but has figured it's faster to roll wherever he wants to go.
*He makes the funniest faces!
* He is a mommy's boy. He doesn't usually cry when anyone else holds him he just has to look around and make sure I'm right there. I love this since Eli was a total daddy's boy.
* He loves kids.
* His nickname is Mase-a-rooney (Eli came up with it)
*He has two bottom teeth.
* He is beginning to sleep well. He takes AWESOME naps!
*He still HATES his car seat!
* He is generally happy, only cries when he's not being held, hungry, or tired.
* He's obsessed with paper. I've never seen him move as fast when there is paper around he's rolling all over the place to get a hold of it!
* We love him so much and are so glad he's a part of our family!

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