Thursday, June 30, 2011

18 months!!

18 things we love about Mason at 18 months:
1- His infatuation with water!
2- How much he loves his brother who he refers to as Alli
3- The cute nicknames for his cousins Tyler (Taw-taw) and Camden (nack nack)
4- That he is a total momma’s boy.
5- How excited he gets when dadda gets home.
6- How much he loves books (esp. Brown Bear) but sometimes gets too rough with them
7- How he says a lot of words but my favorites are: ball, dino, juce, flowee
8- His obsession with animals especially the cow across the road and the neighbor’s horsies.
9- How he growls at things especially if it’s a pic of an animal
10- His cute 12 teeth
11- His temper, it’s not all that cute sometimes but it reminds me of my dad.
12- His white blonde hair and big blue eyes!
13- How he says spiderman with a growl!
14- That he loves playing ball.
15- How he gobbles up fruit.
16- That he pretends to call his dadda and jabbers in the phone.
17- How excited he gets to see his grandma’s and grandpa.
18- His infatuation with pictures. He could stare at pics all day!!
We love you Maser Roo!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Melissa your boys are so cute! I was looking at Sheridan's blog and saw you on her list and wanted to check out your blog! hope you don't mind if I follow it :)