Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy happy birthday!!!

Brand new!
1st professional pics (3 weeks)

about 6 months

just one of my fav pics of him!

1 year
It's hard to believe how fast time goes by. Seem like yesterday I had just had Mason, now he's celebrating his 1st birthday. He had to go to the dr Monday because he has ear infections which he's had more than his fair share of, but he weighs 20 lbs so yay we can move him up to a big boy carseat because he has always hated the infant carrier. He is trying to walk, taking about 4 steps before he falls. Guess he figures it's easier crawling. He doesn't like baby food much anymore he just wants to eat whatever we eat. He says a few words: mama, dadda, a noise for Eli, ight (light, which he has a fascination for turning off the light switches) mammah (grandma) and a whole lot more gibberish! He is generally pretty happy and easy going. We sure love him and the fun he adds to our house!

1 comment:

Kandice said...

A year already!??? He is so cute!!!