Monday, November 15, 2010

15 thankfuls....

Since it's the 15th I think I'll post 15 things I'm thankful for:
1. Heavenly Father/ Jesus
2. Will
3. Eli
4. Mason
5. My family
6. My in-law family
7. My health and my family's
8. My "guardian angel" (my dad)
9. A warm house
10. The gospel
11. My cute preschool kids
12. Will's work/ that he LOVES what he does!
13. Temples
14. agency (that we have the ability to chose what we do, where we live, how many kids we have, what religion we practice, etc.)
15. good friends

1 comment:

Michele and Wyatt said...

Isn't life great when we start thinking about all that we have to be thankful for.