Wednesday, September 8, 2010

work meeting

So the other day Levi was over doing some invoices with Will. Meanwhile, Will's phone rang so he went outside to chat. I was feeding Mason lunch in the kitchen and overheard this "meeting." It went something like this...
Levi: "Eli, how much do you charge for framing?"
Eli: "pizza!"
Levi: "So let me get this right, you'll frame a house for pizza?"
Eli: "Yep!"
Levi: "How many employees do you have?"
Eli: "one, two, three, four."
Levi: "So you have four employees?
Eli: "No, forty"
Levi: "What is your mode of transportation? What do you drive?"
Eli: "A firetruck!"
Levi: "So let me get this right, you'll frame a house for a pizza, you have forty employees and you drive a firetruck?"
Eli: "Yeah!"

I thought it was so funny! He comes up with the funniest things!


Kandice said...

So cute! it never ceases to amaze me what comes out of kids mouths!

Kassi Luck said...

LOve it!! That is so funny and so cute!!!