Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My favorite 2 (and a half) year old

Tomorrow Eli will be exactly 2 and a half.He loves to tell people that he is 2 and a half. :) I feel like most of my blogging lately is of Mason, and because I was preoccupied with school on his bday, this is just for him! I thought I would post some of his likes, dislikes and favorites.

•Favorite shows: Elmo’s world, Blue’s Clues, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

•Favorite foods: Mac and cheese, ramen noodles, rice, chicken, fruit smoothies (maybe this is why I craved them when I was prego), apple and orange juices, and oatmeal.

•Favorite toys: action figures (he refers to them as “dudes”), balls, trucks, and animals.

•Favorite songs: Itsy bitsy spider, ABC’s, and I am a child of God.

•Favorite animals: fish, monkeys, dogs, and cats.

•Loves brushing his teeth, wrestling with dad, kissing/holding Mason, making cookies with mom, and playing with his cousins at his grandparents houses.

•Loves being outside (we can’t wait for it to warm up, but he loved snow too)

•Potty-trained quickly after we brought Mason home.

•Loves bath time.

•Doesn’t love having his hair cut or washed.

•Loves having his friends over (he asks me every day “friends come over?”)

•Funny sayings: orange (sounds like arn-ge), yeah sure yeah, hice cream, hode it, hode it (as he’s running to the potty),"Now I know my ABC's next time woncha sing wich me"! "I'm going to boom it!" (when he is shooting something with the nintendo gun) he seriously is so funny, I can’t think of all the cute things he says because he is always talking and it’s all so cute!!

•He is a very good big brother, he’ll tell me “Mason waking up” before I even hear him and no it’s not because he’s waking him up. He loves to rock him, hold him, kiss him, hug him, and tries to help me bathe him and change his diaper. He will be so excited when Mason is big enough to wrestle.


Kandice said...

He is a cutie! that is fun age..they are so interested in learning and just having fun!

Kassi Luck said...

I must say he is definately a cute 2 1/2 year old. He is so funny!! When we get over our colds, we definately need to have a play day!!