Sunday, March 15, 2009

the art of throwing a fit!

Eli has developed a "tude"! He definitely thinks he is 2 already, because the terrible stage has already begun!

It's hard to learn to love this stage! He'll give me a big hug and kiss when he's done throwing his fit, which makes it hard to stay mad at him.


Kassi Luck said...

Don't you just love those fits!! Daysen has been throwing some great ones lately!! good luck!! What a fun age!1

Anonymous said...

I remember when I started working at Little Britches and Sam was getting really really good at those fits, some people blamed me and said that I must have a real bad temper.... that always ticked me off. In any case they don't really out grow them, you just learn what their currency is when they get older and hold it over their heads. Oh motherhood, the most glorified and under-glorified job on the planet, best wishes with those fits, Leyna is coming up on that stage here shortly I think.