Wow, what a week it has been!! We went to my mom's for dinner on December 30th. I wasn't feeling very well but thought I was just having Braxton Hicks or something. My sister told me I would go pale for a few seconds then get my color back. I decided I should probably time my contractions then. They were about an hour apart when we got home that night. Around 1 in the morning they were getting unbearable but not really very consistent. I didn't care though, I figured I was set for an induction in less than 8 hours anyways, they wouldn't really send me home if it wasn't labor. To make a long story short, we went to the hospital got there around 2 and I was dilated to a 6. I got my epidural around 6 am and was an 8. The Dr came a little before 7 and broke my water. 3 sets of pushes later and at 7:04 am Mason Red made his debut. We chose the name "Red" for my dad, since that was his nickname and what everyone knew him by. It was the neatest experience because I honestly could feel my dad's presence around me the whole time. I knew he had just been cradling my baby in heaven and helped him prepare for this trip. It is hard for me to know that he won't really know his gpa but I am so very thankful for the knowledge I have that we WILL be together again. He weighted 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 3/4" long. Not quite the 10 lb baby I was expecting but I was pleasantly surprised!! Mason latched right on and has been a great nurser. He sleeps well and seems to be a really good baby!! :)